
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Weekly Wonderings: April 17th, 2013

How is it that time goes by so fast? In the past two weeks, I have run my first 10k (1:18, woot!), travelled up and down the east coast, and baked no less than 4 cakes. Needless to say I am quite busy! Tomorrow my day starts at 8 and won’t end until 10pm. To be fair, I will be spending the day doing things I love (mostly) but it will still be terribly busy. Sometimes, I just want to slow down. Sometimes, I just want to speed up. Most days, I just want to survive without doing something terribly wrong.


I am in LOVE with my mixer. Cake baking has never been so much fun! Now to decide what accessories I need. Meat grinder, pasta maker, or ice cream attachment? Frankly, I want them all.


I did it! I accepted my offer letters for grad school! Woohoo! Dual masters, cold weather and a ton of work, DC here I come!


Finn got a haircut. He is still adorable in my mind.


New shoes! Now just need a dress to wear them with and maybe a place to wear them too!


Post 10k/parade glory. And no, I did not have to flash to get those beads, but I might have grabbed a few meant for small children…


Brunch is where it is at. (Yes, I did just end a sentence with a preposition. Get over it.)

So what has been happening in your neck of the woods?


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